GO FAIR Implementation Networks
The main driving forces of GO FAIR are the so-called Implementation Networks (IN): working groups dedicated to defining and creating specific materials and tools as elements of the Internet of FAIR Data and Services (IFDS). The Implementation Networks are open, integrative, community-led and self-governing. They work across disciplines and countries. Individuals, institutions and organisations from all over the world are invited to become involved in the various GO FAIR INs.
The GO FAIR website provides an overview of the currently active and planned Implementation Networks.
If you would like to have more information on a GO FAIR Implementation Network, please get in touch with us.
Some of the Implementation Networks focus on particular on topics such as interoperability, discovery, etc.
Focuses on Interoperable components, Digital Objects, connection to RDA and their guidelines for these Digital Objects - Discovery
Main Purpuse is to provide interfaces and other user-facing services for data discovery - Data Stewardship Competence Centers
FAIR research data stewardship, partly in national chapters - GO Inter
Cross-Domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data