Innovative Data Environment @ Styria – kollaborative Datennutzung zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Öffentlichkeit

Visit the lecture on 09 May 2022 and learn more about the cooperation project IDE@S.

The cooperation project Innovative Data Environment @ Styria (IDE@S) between TU Graz, Karl-Franzens University Graz, Medical University Graz and FH Joanneum aims to enable and improve collaborative data use and data-driven cooperation between private and public sectors as well as universities. In the course of the project, different levels of data aspects, technical infrastructure and services, skilled workers and personnel, as well as possible business models will be considered. Use cases and study results that have emerged in the course of the project so far will be presented, as well as what will follow after the end of the project.

For further information and the possibility to participate, please visit the website of the workshop.